Monday, April 27, 2009

Congrats to James and Lauren!

Lauren Lunsford married James Evans April 25, 2009 at the Beautiful Church of our Savoir located off Mandarin Road. If you have ever been on Mandarin Road you know how beautiful all the tall oak trees are and Mandarin is well known for them. Located just next to the church was a beautiful field with lots of trees and pretty greenery. I was driving home late Friday evening and while I was pumping gas I saw a cool, bright blue Parasol in the window and thought how cute! As I thought more about it the next morning while I was packing up my gear I thought how cute would it be to have the bridesmaids all holding their own. So, on my way to Mandarin I stopped and they only had one left! :( These things were hot that morning apparently because I was only able to buy the one left they had. I told Lauren to just have fun with it and she did! The bridemaids were helping her out but she really didn't need it. So then I thought I bet I could get James to do a few as well. He was a hoot! The groomsmen were alot of help with all their ideas as well. Then of course I photographed them together with it after the ceremony. I am excited to create a full page spread for their album. I will post it up here as well so everyone can see! Can you tell I was really excited about this Parasol? So, I met Lauren and James at Bre's wedding which I also photographed about three years ago. At that time Lauren and James had only been dating about 3 months. Lauren caught the bouquet and James caught the garter! It was totally meant to be and I am glad I was there to witness this grand event! Below are just a few faves!

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