Monday, January 26, 2009

January Snow Trip

So, my niece Abby was watching the news before Christmas and ran out screaming, "Mommy, Mommy, It's going to snow tomorrow!" My sister had to explain to her that it wasn't going to snow here but it does snow up by Meme's House which is in Massachusetts! Her reply, "I want to go there!" So low and behold Santa brought plane tickets to visit Meme in the snow! My sister and I took the girls up there for a long weekend and we had a blast! Luckily I have the coolest cousin in the world and he took us to some amazing places! First we went Ice Skating at a local skating rink and then we went Snow Tubing at this awesome resort in Mass! We always visit the family in the summer so it was nice to go up there and do different things! Here are a few from our trip!

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