Monday, November 17, 2008

"Trash the Dress"

So, what exactly are you gonna do with your dress once the wedding is over? "TRASH IT" That's right Trash your wedding dress!! Now ladies, who wouldn't want to put their dress back on, Right? I kinda of think of it as a very creative bridal session where we can do creative, fun and more glam photos!! Also, just to clarify, you DO NOT have to get in the water to trash it!

My first trash the dress session was with two great friends of mine, Marianne and Scott Curington- They were married last May and had a gorgeous wedding!!! They were such a fun couple to shoot and very easy going in front of the camera! The love they have for one another shows on their faces!!!! It was absolutely beautiful out at Talbot that day and we had a blast! Here are a few you can check out and their are more posted on my website as well! If you are interested in trashing your dress you can contact me off my website at

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