Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"Jags vs Packers"

So, Chris and I have season tickets and we were super excited about last Sunday's win!!!! I also believe this was the first real half-time show that was exciting! They have the Army parachuting in over the stadium! It was pretty neat how they let them jump way far away and then they coasted onto the field! And Phil Stacey from American Idol sang the National Anthem!

We are super pumped about this Thursday's Game against the Colt's! GO JAGS!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

"My Little Glam Girl"

This is Campbell or as most call her "Cam" She is a freakin' doll! With her thin blonde hair and the biggest brown eyes ever- She is a treat to photograph! She does have a routine down! She first comes in and does a dog check! Then she sits in front of the TV until its her turn and watches Dora while enjoying a little snack! This shoot we added a little flare to the mix and got some of the cutest shots I have ever seen!!! Here are some of my faves!!!
Can you get any cuter????
Probably my number one pic below!

Grayson is 4 months old!!!

The is Grayson Lane. He is currently on my Baby Plan. I starting photographing him when he was still in utero!!! Let me just tell you that the little guy is an angel and his smile warms your heart!!! During his session, his mom, Scarlett who is a great friend of mine and myself were shaking the rattle and trying to get his attention until my 80lb bulldog stole the show! Sasha my bulldog was very jealous that Baby Grayson was getting all this attention and not her! :) Grayson was giving her some looks like "This is MY time" and then you have sister Cam telling repeating me and telling Sasha "hush girl"! Needless to say it was adorable and I had a blast as always! We also did a few Christmas shots given the time of year! Check out some of my faves from Grayson's Shoot!

"Save The Date" Card!!!

I have finished designing Lindsay and Lee's "Save the Date." Just below you can view some of my favorite pics of the two! There colors are Navy and Salmon- I think the colors are gonna rock in the photos and I look forward to there upcoming wedding in April 2009!

Congrats Lee and Lindsay!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Lindsay and Lee are getting Married!!!

I have actually known Lindsay for about 10 years! And it is very obvious that she is the happiest women alive!! Lee and Lindsay are getting married next April and I couldn't be happier to shoot there wedding! We did their engagement session at Epping Forest Yacht Club. It didn't take long for the couple to warm up to the camera and we were able to get some very romantic shots! Here are a few of my faves!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Ben and Jessie are "Tying the Knot"

Jessie and Ben are getting married November of 2009! They are just the cutest couple. We went out early do to their engagement session for the "Save the Date" Cards. Their reception is at the beautiful Yacht Club in Ortega. So, why not take advantage of the beautiful surroundings and shoot their engagement session there! It was beautiful out there last night with a nice warm sun! You have to check out their eyes! They are both the most beautiful shades of blue, ever!!!!! Below are just a few of my faves.... Stay tuned for their "Save the Date" Cards!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"Boudoir" Party!

I have had alot of brides ask me about boudoir sessions here lately. So, I thought what a great idea! Since I didn't really have much experience with Boudoir Photography I thought I would have a little party to kinda kick it off! I sent out an email to some past clients and got a great response!! I hosted my party on November 7th and it was AMAZING to say the least. All my girls rocked it for the camera!! Here are just a few, I will post more once I get the ok from the clients!

There are three ways to do a Boudoir Session!

(1) Have a Boudoir Party at my location or yours!
-Up to five girlfriends may attend
-The cost is $250.00 per attendent and each one receives at 4x6 "Little Black Book" with (10) 4x6 prints of choice fully retouched.

(2) Have a Private Boudoir Session!
-Your choice of location
- (2) hour session including full make-up and hair styling
- Multiple clothing selections
- 4x6 "Little Black Book" with (10) 4x6 prints of choice fully retouched.

- The cost of this package is $300.00 or $250.00 (not including make-up and hair)

(3) The third is including your significant other!
- These are normally done at your home or in studio
-These are more private photos that the two of you can share together!
- This is a two hour session and includes a 4x6 "Little Black Book" with (10) 4x6 prints of choice fully retouched